Khamang Kakdi Recipe

Khamang Cucumber is a delicious and simple Maharashtrian salad in which cucumber is mixed with curd and tempered. Curry leaves, green chillies and mustard seeds are used for tempering. Cucumber is good enough for the summer season, so you can make it with your daily meals.  ककड़ी, नारियल, हरा धनिया, मूंगफली, दही, नमक, तेल, राइ, हरी मिर्च, हींग, कढ़ी पत्ता   2 cucumber, peel and chop 1/2 cup coconut, grate green coriander, chop as per requirement 3 tbsp peanuts, roast and remove the peel 3 tbsp curd Salt, as per taste 1/4 tsp oil for tempering, As per usage 1 tsp mustard seeds 1 green chilli, finely chopped 1/4 tsp asafoetida 1 sprig curry leaves, chopped     10   2     To make Khamang Cucumber Recipe, first take a big bowl. Add cucumber, coconut, coriander, salt in it and mix well. Now add curd in it and mix again. Keep aside. For tempering, heat oil in a tempering pan. Add mustard seeds, asafoetida and cook for 10 seconds. Now add green chillies, curry leaves and cook for 10 seconds. Now add this tempering to the Khamang cucumber and mix. Finally add peanuts on top and mix. Serve. Serve Khamang Cucumber with Khandeshi Dal, Bharli Bhendi and Phulka for lunch.