Chanar Paturi Recipe – Chanar Paturi Recipe

Chanar Paturi Recipe, is a traditional Bengali recipe in which paneer is cooked with mustard, coconut and green chillies. Paneer is called Chanar in Bengali. This dish is very famous in Bengal and is made for daily food. You can also make it for your home parties.  पनीर, राइ, नारियल, हरी मिर्च, सरसों का तेल, हल्दी पाउडर, निम्बू का रस, शक्कर, नमक, कद्दु के पत्ते   250 grams paneer 1/4 cup mustard 2 tbsp coconut, grated 3 green chillies, chopped 3 tsp mustard oil 1/2 tsp turmeric powder 1 tsp lemon juice 1/2 tsp sugar Salt as per taste 2 pumpkin leaves     10   40     To make Chanar Paturi recipe, first of all add mustard seeds, water in a bowl and make a paste. Now add coconut, green chillies and grind it. Take out in a bowl and keep separately. Now add mustard paste, salt, lemon juice, turmeric powder, sugar, cheese in a bowl and mix well. Now apply mustard oil on pumpkin leaves. Add the cheese mixture into it and close it from all sides. Insert a toothpick and close it from all sides. You can also tie it with thread. Now fill water in a steamer. Place a bowl in it and place cheese wrapped in leaves inside it. Cover the steamer and steam for 5 to 10 minutes. Take out and serve. Serve Chanar Paturi recipe with Began Bhaja and rice for lunch.