Sweet Pumpkin Green Smoothie Recipe

As much as Green smoothies are healthy we tend to get carried away with the amount of fruit we add to make the green smoothie. Its way too much fruit in one serving. Here is an alternative if you still want to enjoy a green smoothie without all the excess fruit and sugars from them. All you do is prep by baking your pumpkin the previous night and just blend when its time for breakfast. Pumpkin makes the smoothie so creamy and delicious that it becomes hard to tell a pumpkin in your smoothie.  Kaddu (Parangikai/ Pumpkin), Spinach, Milk, Cinnamon Powder (Dalchini), Dates, Pumpkin seeds   1 cup Kaddu (Parangikai/ Pumpkin) , red one- cut into chunks, baked  1 cup Spinach , cleaned 1-1/2 cup Milk , or almond milk 1/4 teaspoon Cinnamon Powder (Dalchini) 1 Dates , for sweetness (optional) 1 tablespoon Pumpkin seeds     10   60     To begin making the Sweet Pumpkin Green Smoothie recipe, cut the pumpkin roughly into large pieces with skin and bake them in a 175 C preheated oven for 45 minutes to 1 hour until the pumpkin is soft.Let it cool and store this in your Fridge.Scoop the pumpkin flesh from the skin and add 1 cup pumpkin chunks in a blender with spinach, cinnamon, milk and date if you are using and blend it until smooth. Top the green smoothie with pumpkin seeds and enjoy your smoothie.Serve Sweet Pumpkin Green Smoothie during your breakfast with Akuri and Toast.