Pineapple Cucumber Salad Recipe

Pineapple Cucumber Salad Recipe is a refreshing salad that you can make during summers. You can also make it for your parties and serve it as a side dish. In this, lemon juice dressing is made which makes this salad even more delicious.  पाइनएप्पल, ककड़ी, हरा धनिया, निम्बू जेस्ट, निम्बू का रस, नमक, काली मिर्च पाउडर   2 cups pineapple, cut 3 cucumber, chopped 2 tbsp coriander, chopped 1/4 tsp lemon zest 1 tsp lemon juice Salt, as per taste 1/4 tsp black pepper powder     15   10     To make Pineapple Cucumber Salad Recipe, first prepare all the ingredients and keep them aside. Now add pineapple, cucumber, green coriander, lemon zest, lemon juice, salt, black pepper powder in a large mixing bowl and mix well. Serve. You can also prepare this salad and keep it in the fridge and serve it cold. Serve Pineapple Cucumber Salad Recipe with Lemon Coriander Soup and Broccoli Paneer Mayo Sandwich.