Layered Paneer Butter Masala Biryani Recipe

Paneer Butter Masala Biryani Recipe is a delicious biryani in which biryani is made by mixing ghee rice and paneer butter masala. You can make this for your house parties or weekend meals. This is a delicious recipe that everyone in your house will definitely like.  चावल, पानी, घी, इलाइची, लॉन्ग, स्टार अनीस, दालचीनी, पूरी काली मिर्च, नमक, तेज पत्ता, प्याज, हरा धनिया, पुदीना, पनीर, टमाटर, क्रीम, प्याज, अदरक, लहसुन, हरी मिर्च, इलाइची पाउडर, जीरा पाउडर, गरम मसाला पाउडर, लाल मिर्च पाउडर, कसूरी मेथी, शहद , नमक, तेल, काजू   For rice: 1 cup rice 2 cups water 1 tsp ghee 1 cardamom 2 cloves 1 star anise 1/2 inch cinnamon 2 whole black peppers Salt to taste 1 bay leaf Other ingredients 1/4 cup onion, fried 1 sprig green coriander 1 sprig mint For Paneer Butter Masala 200 grams paneer, cut into 1/2 inch cubes 2 tomatoes 2 tablespoons cream 1 onion, chopped 1 inch ginger 3 cloves garlic 1 green chilli 1 teaspoon cardamom powder 1/2 small teaspoon cumin powder 1/2 teaspoon garam masala powder 1/2 teaspoon red chili powder 1 teaspoon kasoori fenugreek 1 teaspoon honey Salt, as per taste Oil, as per use 1 tablespoon cashew nuts, for garnish     20   25     To make Paneer Butter Masala Biryani Recipe, first wash the rice and soak it for 30 minutes.