High Fiber Oat And Orange Coconut Parfait Recipe

High Fiber Oat And Orange Coconut Parfait Recipe is made with Nutri Choice Oats & Orange Biscuits which are loaded with Fiber and the goodness of healthy oats and oranges.  Cooked oats are mixed with Greek yogurt and desiccated coconut and sweetened with little honey.   Instant Oats (Oatmeal), Water, Multigrain Digestive Biscuits, Hung Curd (Greek Yogurt), Vanilla Extract, Fresh coconut, Fresh Pomegranate Fruit Kernels, Orange, Honey   4 tablespoon Instant Oats (Oatmeal) 1 cup Water 4 Multigrain Digestive Biscuits 1 cup Hung Curd (Greek Yogurt) 1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract 2 tablespoons Fresh coconut , dessicated 1/2 cup Fresh Pomegranate Fruit Kernels 1 Orange , peeled and diced 2 tablespoons Honey     10   10     To begin making High Fiber Oat And Orange Coconut Parfait first cook oats in one cup water until done and cool the oats completely.Next in a Large mixing bowl add the Greek yogurt, cooked oats,vanilla extract, desiccated coconut and honey and mix everything together till it is well combined. Break some Nutri Choice Oats & Orange Biscuits into smaller pieces and crumble a few biscuits. Slice the oranges and keep aside.To assemble the High Fiber Oat And Orange Coconut Parfait take a jar of your choice and into the jar add the crumbled Nutri Choice Oats & Orange Biscuits.Add 3 tablespoons Greek yogurt oats and coconut mix , layer with orange segments and a few broken Nutri Choice Oats & Orange Biscuits. Add some more yogurt, oats and coconut mix and top with pomegranate Kernels.Refrigerate Nutri Choice Oats & Orange Biscuits for two hours before serving. Serve High Fiber Oat And Orange Coconut Parfait along with Savory French Toast With Cheesy Garlic Scrambled Eggs or Spinach Omelette for a fulfilling breakfast.