Aloo Poha Recipe

Aloo Poha also known as Batata Poha is a simple recipe which you can make for your morning breakfast. This is a sour and spicy recipe in which lemon and green chillies are also used. Boiled potatoes are added to it which gives it texture and crunch.  पोहा, आलू, हरे मटर, राइ, जीरा, कढ़ी पत्ता, प्याज, हरी मिर्च, अदरक, हल्दी पाउडर, हींग, शक्कर, निम्बू, मूंगफली, तेल, हरा धनिया, अनार, नमक, स्वीट कॉर्न, हरे मुंग   1-1/2 cup poha 1 or 2 potatoes, boiled, peeled & cubed 1/4 cup green peas, steamed 1/2 tsp mustard 1/2 tsp cumin 5-6 curry leaves, finely chopped 1 onion, finely chopped onion 2 green chillies, slit lengthwise 1 tsp ginger, finely grated 1/2 tsp turmeric powder 1/4 tsp asafoetida 2 tsp sugar 1 lemon, juiced 1 tbsp peanuts 2 tbsp oil 2 tbsp coriander, finely chopped 3/4 cup pomegranate, to serve Salt to taste Alternative Ingredients: You can use the following ingredients in addition to the potatoes 1/2 cup sweet corn, steamed 1/2 cup green mung, sprouted     20   30     To make Aloo Poha Recipe, first keep the Poha under cold water and wash it thoroughly. When Poha becomes soft then drain out all the water. Take care to drain the water thoroughly. Now take out the poha in a bowl. Add turmeric powder, salt, sugar, asafoetida and keep it aside. Heat oil in a pan. Add mustard seeds, cumin seeds and cook till the mustard seeds crackle. Now add onion, curry leaves, ginger, green chillies and cook till the onion becomes soft. Now add boiled potatoes in it and cook for 1 to 2 minutes. Now add poha, 1 tablespoon water and mix. Cover the pan and let it cook on low flame for 4 to 5 minutes. After this, add lemon juice, green peas, peanuts, green coriander, pomegranate seeds and serve. Serve Aloo Poha Recipe with a hot cup of masala tea for morning breakfast.